
founded in 2023 by ro, hueristic instruments is a not-for-profit creative think tank that authors policy to guide the creation of human-centric consent-based tools for independent social media in service of safe and dynamic communities.


fipamo what began as a personal project to make web development easier became the foundation for a completely new social web experience that centers around empowering people to retain their information and work on a platform they control. currently in beta.

the bad space the bad space project is a custom curation tool that will allow online communities to build and maintain blocklists that maximise their safety and make moderating decentralized service easier according to their needs. currently in alpha.

about the founder

ro is a creator with over 20 years of professional graphic design and web development experience. After running Play Vicious, an independent social media site using the Mastodon platform, he saw the need for more robust safety and moderation tools for targeted communities that were routinely harassed in online spaces.

he is a pisces.

Image by Anh Nguyen




manager dropped this 2024 Feb Wed 28

